How We Work
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
Accounts Bytes prefer outsourcing work to carry out with RDP, where accounting practices allow us to get access to their desktop / PC with the prior set login and password.
RDP should be set out as a standalone PC or a server by accounting practices, where data is available to work.
Login ID and Password created by accounting practices and shared with Accounts Bytes team.
At the time of work, the Accounts Bytes team will log in and get access to RDP.
Accounts Bytes team get the data from RDP, work over there, complete the task, and log out from RDP.
Online Software
Online Software makes easy work for accounting practices and their outsourcing partner. For Online Software, accounting practices must use an online software platform for cloud data storage, file transfer, bookkeeping, accounting, and tax work.
Accounting practices have to allow access to online software
Accounts Bytes team will work within G Suite or Office 365 to prepare any excel working files.
Accounts Bytes team will check and review data within ReceiptBank, HubDoc, AutoEntry, published it to integrated cloud bookkeeping software.
Accounts Bytes team analyze nominal ledger with cloud bookkeeping and do needful adjustments.
For accounts and tax, the Accounts Bytes team will synchronize cloud bookkeeping software with accounting and tax software and complete work.
Offline Work
Offline work is a traditional way of outsourcing practice. In offline work, the Accounts Bytes team will download data files from FTP, DropBox, WeTransfer, etc platform and work at Accounts Bytes network server.
Accounting practices have to upload scanned data at FTP server, DropBox or WeTransfer, etc. (Small data can be transfer via Email)
Accounts Bytes team will download data files and work on the network server.
Accounts Bytes team will carry out work within the data security network of the company.