VAT Returns
Checking and identifying that all the VAT stuffs are properly recorded, declared correct output VAT and claimed correct input VAT is monotonous work for accountancy practices. Accountancy practices generally have in-house bookkeepers or practice managers who prepare VAT returns for clients.
Being experienced in-house bookkeepers or practices managers, they should have to focus on tax planning and client relationship building up rather than doing monotonous and time consuming task like preparation of VAT return. They are not able to focus more on the expansion of their client portfolio.
Accounts Bytes team, work as your dedicated bookkeepers, who are expertise in preparation of VAT return tasks and expertise in software like XERO, QuickBooks, FreeAgent, Sage, and many more.
Accounts Bytes team is fully equipped with Making Tax Digital (MTD) compliance procedure and use MTD compliant software.
VAT Work Involves:
Invoice posting from Receipt Bank, Hubdoc, Auto Entry
Prepare VAT Calculation Sheet
Confirm VAT Liability
MTD compliance
Prepare VAT calculations into spreadsheet, if require
Check proper output VAT declared / Input VAT claimed in either spreadsheet or software like XERO/QB
Review Correctness of VAT Return
Filling of VAT Return
What you need to provide:
Sales Invoices / Purchase & Expenses Invoices / Bank Statements / C.C. Statements, Cash transactions, Payroll Data
Access of Receipt Bank, HubDoc, AutoEntry
Fill up our Checklist for one time necessary information about client to prepare VAT Returns
Will provide you with:
VAT Return
VAT Calculation spreadsheet
Analysis of purchases